Appraisal and Acquisition Procedures
Archival materials, in any format, donated by the alumni and its creator and transferred internally form UP Manila offices are acquired, when they are determined possible value and usability for UPMARD.
In accepting the materials/records donated or transfer to the archives, consider their importance to the university that created it. Such records are kept for their legal and administrative duration.
Before making a decision on a new acquisition, examine the history of the records, including their creation, use, and purpose.
Provide a copy of the Deed of Gift Form to the donor/creator and file the original with the accession record
Send the donor/creator an acknowledgement letter after the transaction is completed.
Write the name of the donor/creator, the accession number of the donation, and the date of the accession on a filing card.
Store the cards alphabetically in a box.
Assign separate accession number that will identify each different group of records in the archives. There are many various numbering systems, relating to the complexity of the archives and the number of accessions received each year. UPMARD uses the last three digits of the current year and a sequential number for each accession received that year.
Example: RG006.01 --- Accession No. for the first record received in 2006
Indicate the accession number on the containers in which the new accession is stored temporarily.
Mark the number on all archival folders, boxes, or other containers once the material is arranged and processed.
Put a red mark if the record needs restriction that will respect the creator's right to privacy.
An accession record serves as the primary source of information about it: what is in it, where it is kept, where it came from.