E-Book Databases

Below is a list of online databases currently subscribed to by the University.

On-Campus Access:

Access to these electronic resources is via IP Address authentication and is therefore limited to users accessing from within the UP Manila network. Once connected to the UPM network, log in with your UP Manila Authentication and Directory Service (ADS) credentials. No ADS account yet? Contact the UPM IMS Team.

Off-Campus Access:

Remote access is now available for electronic databases via OpenAthens and Virtual Private Network.

  • OpenAthens - using your UP Mail (@up.edu.ph) account. View OpenAthens Guide.
  • Virtual Private Network - using your UP Manila Authentication and Directory Service (ADS) credentials. View VPN Guide.


  1. Access Medicine
  2. ClinicalKey
  3. EBSCO Ebooks (Medical & Allied Health Titles)
  4. ProQuest Ebook Central (Public Health Titles)
  1. Cambridge Core
  2. EBSCO EBooks (Academic Collection)
  3. ODILO Digital Library
  4. Perlego
  5. ScienceDirect
  6. Springer Nature 
  7. Wiley Academic Books via VitalSource (Wiley Digital Textbooks)
  8. Wiley Online Library

Learn More: Individual Journal Title Subscription     |     Complete List of Online Databases     |     Databases On Trial

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