Scan & Deliver Service
Scan and Deliver Service is a free electronic document delivery service for the University of the Philippines Manila community. In light of the new normal, we are offering this service to help library users who can't go to the library to borrow resources.
Scan and Deliver Service enables a library user to obtain scans of a book chapter or journal article from the UP Manila libraries’ print collections. When a library user makes a request, we’ll scan the book/s, chapters, and journal articles and deliver them to the user via e-mail to be used for personal study and research.
Who may avail of this service?
- UP Manila faculty, students, REPS, and staff
How to avail of this service?
To avail of this service follow the steps below:
- Visit UPM’s Online Public Access Catalog to search for print books and journals available in UPM libraries.
Fill out the Scan & Deliver form or scan the QR code below using your official UP mail ( or email your request to or directly to the college library where the book chapter or journal article is available.
- Please send all pertinent information concerning the materials you've requested: For book chapter request - Call Number, Book Title, Author, Chapter Title; For article request - Journal Title, Volume/Issue No., Article title.
- If available, the requested material will be sent to your email.
Terms of Service
- Limitations on Scan and Deliver Service are related to the capacity of available staff resources.
- Requests are limited to one journal article/book chapter per title only or not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the work.
- Requests for more than one hundred pages or encompassing entire works are not allowed.
- Scan and Deliver Service reserves the right to process one request per person per day, depending on staffing and overall request volume.
- Some collections may not be eligible for Scan and Deliver Service.
- If requests are otherwise not in the spirit of the terms of service, the College Librarian will contact you by email.