Circulation, Filipiniana & Reserve Collection

UP Manila Circulation, Filipiniana, and Reserve Section house a vast collection of books covering all areas of instruction of the University, from basic health, medical, and social sciences up to complex yet specific health and medical book collections.

Circulation Books
These are books that may be loaned from one to two weeks varied per college (renewable twice) by students, admin, REPS, and faculty. These include multiple editions of textbooks as well as academic books which cater to detailed discussions of various and specific subjects/topics per unit college.

Filipiniana Books
These are a collection that may be loaned for one week (renewable twice) by students, admin, REPS, and faculty which has topics pertaining specifically to the Philippines, written and published in the Philippines, or written by a Filipino author.

Reserve Books
Set apart from the circulation collection, reserve books are often prescribed by faculties or separated due to multiple demands with limited copies and are available for room use or overnight loan only to allow more students to use them. These books are kept on closed shelves; just fill out a request form to get the book you need.

To search for printed materials (books, theses, and more), visit TUKLAS Web Catalog.