Turnitin Feedback Studio

Access Coverage

Integrated on Canvas. Login is required for the web version.

Access Period

until 30 November 2025


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A commercial, Internet-based plagiarism detection service launched in 1997. Universities and high schools typically buy licenses to use the software as a service (SaaS) website, which checks submitted documents against its database and the content of other websites with the aim of identifying plagiarism. Results can identify similarities with existing sources, and can also be used in formative assessment to help students learn to avoid plagiarism and improve their writing.

Information Memo No. CCDP 2018-134: Maximum similarity index of 30% requirement for manuscript submission

Information For faculty who would like to request for a Feedback Studio Instructor Account, email us at library.upm@up.edu.ph.

Information For students who wish to check their paper for similarity, please email library.upm@up.edu.ph or your unit library.

Due to the restricted number of accounts assigned to UPM, only faculty and staff have user accounts available on the Turnitin Feedback Studio database. If your manuscript/research paper needs to be evaluated, please see the instructions below:

  1. Email library.upm@up.edu.ph or your college/unit library.
  2. Send your manuscript (preferably in Word or PDF file) via email.
  3. The library will check your manuscript/research paper for similarity via the Turnitin Feedback Studio and send the report back to your email.

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💡Turnitin Feedback Studio Workflow Training (Canvas) | 7 March 2023